Clare Claydon

5km a Day in May - 2024

I am fundraising for a future without Sanfilippo Syndrome

I am doing 5km a Day in May to support the work of Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation! It's going to be a big challenge. But it's nothing compared to the challenge facing kids with Sanfilippo.

Your donation will fund vital research projects that show real promise in halting the progression of the disease; repairing damage caused by the condition; or improving the quality of life for children suffering from Sanfilippo.

All donations over AU $2 are fully tax deductible.

Thanks so much for your support.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Clare Claydon


Evelyn Maack

we'll get you over $1K


Clare Claydon


Eve Claydon



Happy walking Clare. I hope the weather is good to you. A very important foundation to support. 🥰


Ben Claydon

Keep those legs pumping Mummo! Good luck




Janine Marshall Wood

Good on you Clare! Well done you!!


Mary-anne Gourley


Josie Gregory


Thomas Claydon

A great lot of steps for a great cause, can’t wait to hear all about your strolling adventures, good luck with your walking granny 🥰