Meet Our People

Nicole Stanners

Why the Sanfilippo cause? 

My beautiful mum, Dianne Stanners, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in early 2016 and sadly passed away in October 2019 at the age of 76. The journey was soul destroying and prompted me to first get involved with dementia charity initiatives. Through that process, I learnt about Sanfilippo. Given what I had experienced with my mother and then thinking about that in children, affected me greatly. 

How are you inspired by the work of the Foundation? 

The impact that a small group of people have had on such a rare condition versus other charities out there gave me a lot of hope and inspired me!

Which value do you bring to our team and how?

I look forward to bringing my passion for Differentiation and Determination to the team. I believe the secret sauce for any success is thinking outside the square and differentiating, as well as a determination to crack any challenge. Both of these values have been core to my working life and sporting passion!

What's your favourite motivational quote? 

“You can’t be what you can’t see” - Marian Wright Edelman. Set an example to make people believe it is possible.