Active projects
Evaluation of disease-modifying drugs for attenuated forms of Sanfilippo
Project title:Swift in vitro evaluation of disease-modifying drugs for attenuated forms of Sanfilippo
Chief investigator: Professor Kim Hemsley
Amount: AU$60,750 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation and AU$60,750 from Cure Sanfilippo Foundation
Duration: 1 year
Location: Flinders University
Status: Active
Start date: February 2024
*Type A attenuated will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo including attenuated forms of other subtypes
Comparing familial Alzheimer’s disease and Sanfilippo syndrome childhood dementia at single-cell resolution
Project title: Single nuclei RNA-seq to compare the effects of mutations implicated in familial Alzheimer’s disease and Sanfilippo syndrome childhood dementia
Chief investigator: Dr Karissa Barthelson
Amount: $19,300 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation, $40,000 from Brain Foundation and $30,000 from Carthew Family Trust
Duration: 1 year
Location: Flinders University
Status: Active
Start date: January 2024
*Type B will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Repurposing a drug for recurrent lung infections in a Sanfilippo type A mouse model
Project title: Repurposing immunomodulatory drugs for the treatment of recurrent lung infections in a pathogen challenged Sanfilippo type A mouse lung model
Chief investigator: Dr Emma Parkinson-Lawrence
Amount: $45,440 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation and $45,440 from Sanfilippo Fighters (Italy)
Duration: 1 years
Location: University of South Australia
Status: Active
Start date: February 2024
*Type A will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Combination of stem cell transplantation and cathepsin B inhibitors for the treatment of Sanfilippo disease

Project title: Combination of HSCP transplantation and cathepsin B inhibitors for treatment of Sanfilippo disease
Chief investigators: Professor Alexey Pshezhetsky
Amount: AUD 106,000 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation and AUD 106,000 from Cure Sanfilippo Foundation (USA)
Duration: 2 years
Location: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, University of Montreal
Status: Active
Start date: April 2024
Read more about Professor. Pshezhetsky research here
PhD Scholarship - Flinders University
Project title: Pre-clinical iPSC-neuron screen of repurposed drugs for children with a form of dementia
Chief investigators: Ella McDonald (Flinders University), supervised by Assoc. Prof. Cedric Bardy (Flinders University and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI))
Amount: $15,000
Duration: 3 years
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Status: Active
Start date: April 2023
* Type A will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
PhD Scholarship - University of Adelaide
Project title: Molecular and bioinformatic studies of Alzheimer's and MPS III disease-linked genes in Zebrafish
Chief investigators: Ewan Gerken, The University of Adelaide, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Michael Lardelli (The University of Adelaide)
Amount: $5,000
Duration: 1 year
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Status: Active
Start date: 2023
Development of iminosugar-based pharmacological chaperones for Sanfilippo type B
Project title: Development of iminosugar-based pharmacological chaperones for MPS III
Chief investigators: Professor Yves Bleriot
Amount: $45,600 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation and $25,000 from Fundacja Sanfilippo, Poland
Duration: 1 year
Location: University of Poitiers, France
Status: Active
Start date: January 2023
Generation of a novel preclinical animal model of Sanfilippo syndrome
Project title: Generation of a novel preclinical animal model of Sanfilippo syndrome
Chief investigator: Professor Kim Hemsley
Amount: $50,000 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation and $50,000 from Fondation Sanfilippo Suisse
Duration: 1.5 years
Location: Flinders University
Status: Active
Start date: December 2022
Screening of potential therapeutics affecting lysosomal acidification in a fruit fly model of Sanfilippo
Project title: A Drosophila MPS III mutation model for screening of potential therapeutics affecting lysosomal acidification
Chief investigator: Associate Professor Michael Lardelli
Amount: $20,000, including 6,000 € from the H.A.N.D.S. consortium (Associação Sanfilippo Portugal, Sanfilippo Barcelona, Sanfilippo Sud)
Duration: 1.5 years
Location: The University of Adelaide
Status: Active
Start date: February 2023
* Types A or B will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Read more about Associate Professor Lardelli's research here
Discovery and validation of translational biomarkers for Sanfilippo
Project title: Discovery and validation of translational biomarkers for Sanfilippo childhood dementia
Chief investigators: A/Prof. Jan Kaslin with Dr Nicholas Smith, Dr Louise O’Keefe & Prof. Kim Hemsley
Amount: $157,850 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation (with support from Perpetual Trustees), $207,000 from Cure Sanfilippo Foundation (USA), and $50,000 from Fundacja Sanfilippo (Poland)
Duration: 3 years
Location: Monash University, The University of Adelaide and The Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide
Status: Active
Start date: July 2022
* Type A will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Therapeutic inhibition of a key inflammation pathway
Project title: Therapeutic inhibition of a key inflammation pathway
Chief investigators: Dr Nicholas Smith
Amount: $115,000
Duration: 2 years (extension granted)
Location: The University of Adelaide, Flinders University, the Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Status: Active
Start date: August 2021
* Type A will be studied in this project, but findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
A No Nonsense Approach to Sanfilippo Syndrome
Project title: A No Nonsense Approach to Sanfilippo Disease
Chief investigators: Dr. Lachlan Jolly
Amount: $45,000 with Fondation Sanfilippo Suisse contributing a further $45,000
Duration: 2 years (extension granted)
- Location: The University of Adelaide
Status: Active
- Start date: January 2021
* Type A will be studied in this project, but findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Investigating the effects of Sanfilippo on the lungs
- Project title: Investigating the effects of Sanfilippo on the lungs informing clinical treatment for Sanfilippo patients
Chief investigators: Prof. Sandra Orgeig and Dr. Emma Parkinson-Lawrence
Amount: $33,000
Duration: 3 years (extension granted)
- Location: University of South Australia
Status: Active
- Start date: April 2020
* Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project, but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo.
Read more about Prof Orgeig and Dr. Parkinson-Lawrence's research here
Abeona Therapeutics Gene Therapy Program
Project title: ABO-102 Gene Therapy for Patients with Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A (MPS IIIA)
- Chief investigator: Abeona Therapeutics (Continued by Ultragenyx from 2022)
- Amount: AUD$450,000
Status: Active (clinical trial recruiting and treating patients in USA, Spain and Australia)
Brain in a Dish Project: Development of cell models to search for new Sanfilippo treatments
Project title: Development of cell models to be used in the search for treatments for Sanfilippo Syndrome
Chief investigators: Assoc. Prof. Kim Hemsley & Dr. Nicholas Smith, with Associate Professor Cedric Bardy & Professor Mark Hutchinson
Amount: $2.5 million
Duration: 4 years
Location: South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide, The University of Adelaide & Flinders University
Status: Completed
Start date: July 2019
*Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Development of nanoparticle drug delivery for Sanfilippo
Project title: Genetic Substrate Reduction Therapy (SRT) for MPS III: Toward a siRNA-containing nanoparticle targeted to brain cells
Chief investigator: Dr. Maria Francisca Coutinho
Amount: $25,000
Duration: 2 years (extension granted)
- Location: National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA), Portugal
Status: Completed
- Start date: January 2020
Read more about Dr. Coutinho's research here
Boosting lysosomal function and targeting neuroinflammation using a small compound for the treatment of Sanfilippo syndrome
Project title: Boosting lysosomal function and targeting neuroinflammation using a small compound for the treatment of Sanfilippo syndrome
Chief investigators: Dr. Johannes Schlachetzki
Amount: $50,000 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation and $50,000 from Fondation Sanfilippo Suisse
Duration: 1 year
Location: University of California San Diego
Status: Completed
Start date: January 2023
* Type A will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Further investigating the "molecular tweezer” CLR01 in the treatment of Sanfilippo Syndrome
Project title: Strengthening the rationale for the use of the "molecular tweezer” CLR01 in the treatment of Sanfilippo syndrome
Chief investigators: Assoc. Prof. Alessandro Fraldi
Amount: AU$579,200 total, with Cure Sanfilippo Foundation contributing US$225,000 and the H.A.N.D.S. consortium contributing €10,000
Duration: 2 years
Location: CEINGE - Advanced Biotechnology, Naples, Italy
Status: Completed
Start date: March 2021
Insight into the role of heparan sulfate and dopamine as disease modifiers in Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA
Project title: Insight into the role of heparan sulfate and dopamine as disease modifiers in Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA
Chief investigators: Dr Elvira De Leonibus
Amount: $250,000, with the Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation contributing $50,000, Cure Sanfilippo Foundation (USA) contributing $125,000 and Sanfilippo Fighters (Italy) contributing $75,000
Duration: 2 years
Location: Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Italy
Status: Completed
Start date: July 2021
Targeting Purinergic Signalling in the Brain to Reduce Inflammation in Sanfilippo
Project title: Targeting Purinergic Signalling in the Brain to Reduce Inflammation in Sanfilippo
Chief investigators: Assoc. Prof. Kim Hemsley, Dr Louise O’Keefe, A/Prof Vito Ferro
Amount: $89,820
Duration: 2 years (extension granted)
Location: Flinders University, University of Adelaide and University of Queensland
Status: Completed
Start date: March 2021
* Sanfilippo Types A and C will be studied in this project, but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo.
Development and Testing of Sanfilippo Types A, B and C Zebrafish
Project title: Intra-family analysis of behaviour and brain transcriptomes of MPS IIIA, B, & C model zebrafish
Chief investigators: Assoc. Prof. Michael Lardelli
Amount: $90,000
Duration: 1 year
- Location: The University of Adelaide
Status: Completed
- Start date: January 2021
PhD Scholarship - Flinders University
Project title: Identification and validation of non-invasively-sourced biomarkers of central nervous system disease in childhood-onset dementia (Sanfilippo syndrome)
Chief investigator: Leanne Winner’s PhD project will be carried out at Flinders University, under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Kim Hemsley and Dr. Mary-Louise Rogers (Flinders University) and Dr. Marten Snel (SAHMRI).
Amount: $15,000 over 3 years
Location: Adelaide, Australia.
Status: Completed
*Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Investigating potential stem cell therapy for Sanfilippo Type B
Project title: Neural and Mesenchymal stem cell mediated gene therapy for MPS IIIB
Chief investigator: Dr. Coy Heldermon
Amount: $90,000 (over 1 year)
- Location: University of Florida, USA
Status: Completed
- Start Date: March 2017
Evaluation of SRT candidates for six Mucopolysaccharidoses
Project title: Identify a novel class of substrate reduction therapy drugs for the mucopolysaccharidoses that inhibit N-deacetylase/N-sulfo-transferase (NDST)
Chief investigators: Prof. Andreas Schulze
Amount: $62,581, with Cure Sanfilippo Foundation contributing a further $62,581
Duration: 1 year
Location: The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Status: Completed
Start date: December 2020
* While Sanfilippo types A, B and C subtypes will be studied in this project, results can be applied to all subtypes of Sanfilippo, and to other MPS disorders.
Investigating the role of neuraminidase 1 in Sanfilippo
Project title: Secondary deficiency of neuraminidase 1 in neurological mucopolysaccharidoses: mechanism and pathological implications
Chief investigator: Prof. Alexey Pshezhetsky; collaborators: Prof. Domenico Garozzo (Italy) and Prof. Herbert Hildebrandt (Germany)
Amount: $27,500 from Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation, $18,750 from Fundacja Sanfilippo (Poland), $18,750 from Sanfilippo Initiative (Germany), and $10,000 from the H.A.N.D.S. consortium (Associação Sanfilippo Portugal, Sanfilippo Barcelona, Sanfilippo Sud)
Duration: 1 year
Location: CHU Sainte-Justine, University of Montreal
Status: Completed
Start date: May 2022
* Type C will be studied in this project, but findings may be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Targeting the immune system as a treatment approach
Project title: Targeting the immune system as a treament approach for Sanfilippo
Chief investigators: Associate Professor Kim Hemsley and Dr. Marten Snel
Amount: $355,000
Duration: 3 years (extension granted)
- Location: Flinders University and the South Australian Heath and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)
Status: Completed
- Start date: July 2020
* Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project, but some of the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo.
Read more about Assoc. Prof. Hemsley & Dr. Snel's research here
PhD Scholarship - University of Adelaide
Project title: Are there any long-term effects of being a Sanfilippo carrier?
Chief investigator: Nazzmer Nazri, University of Adelaide PhD projecct under the guidance of Assoc. Prof Kim Hemsley (Flinders University) and Dr. Nicholas Smith (Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide).
Amount: $10,000 over 2 years
Location: Adelaide, Australia.
Status: Completed
Start date: 2019
*Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Targeting Autophagy in Sanfilippo Syndrome
Project title: Targeting Autophagy in Sanfilippo Syndrome
Chief investigator: Dr. Louise O'Keefe
Amount: $46,000 with Fondation Sanfilippo Suisse contributing a further $46,000
Duration: 2 years (extension granted)
- Location: The University of Adelaide
Status: Completed
- Start date: February 2020
* Sanfilippo Type A and C will be studied in this project, but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo.
Read more about Dr. O'Keefe's research here
Global Clinical Guidelines Project
Project Title: Sanfilippo Syndrome (MPS III) Global Clinical Management Guidelines
Chief Investigators: Sanfilippo Children's Foundation & Cure Sanfilippo Foundation
- Location: Global
Start Date: 2022
- Status: Completed
PhD Scholarship - University of Adelaide

Project title: Investigating the molecular mechanisms that mediate neuropathology in Sanfilippo Syndrome
Chief Investigator: Laura Hewson’s PhD project will be carried out under the guidance of Dr Lousie O’Keefe at the University of Adelaide. Laura is co-supervised by Dr. Kim Hemsley (SAHMRI) and Prof Robert Richards (University of Adelaide)
Amount: $10,000 over 2 years
Status: Completed
Targeting misfolded proteins for therapy for Sanfilippo Type C
Project title: Targeting Misfolded Proteins for Therapy of MPSIIIC
Chief investigator: Professor Alexey Pshezhetsky
Amount: $98,000
Duration: 1 year
Location: Montreal, Canada
Status: Completed
- Start date: February 2018
Searching for "super active" enzymes for Sanfilippo Type A
Project title: Generation of “super active” variants of lysosomal enzymes to treat the CNS in Sanfilippo Syndrome
Chief investigator: Dr. Alessandro Fraldi
Amount: $90,000
Duration: 1 year
Location: Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Italy
Status: Completed
- Start date: March 2019
Development of Pharmacological Chaperones for Sanfilippo type B
Project title: Development of Pharmacological Chaperones for MPS IIIB
Chief investigators: Assoc. Prof. Vito Ferro
Amount: $45,000, with Fundacja Sanfilippo (Poland) and Sanfilippo Initiative (Germany) each contributing a further $22,500
Duration: 1 year
Location: The University of Queensland
Status: Completed
Start date: February 2021
Therapeutic strategies for the treatment of behavioural symptoms
Project title: New Therapeutic strategies for the treatment of behavioural symptoms in Sanfilippo
Chief investigator: Dr. Elvira De Leonibus
Amount: $45,000 with Cure Sanfilippo Foundation contributing a further $45,000
Duration: 1 year
Location: Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Italy
Status: Completed
Start date: March 2019
*Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Targeting autophagy as a therapeutic strategy for Sanfilippo
Project title: Pharmacological induction of autophagy as a novel therapeutic strategy for MPS III A
Chief investigators: Dr. Ivan Conte & Dr. Nicolina Cristina Sorrentino
Amount: $90,000
Duration: 1 year
Location: Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Italy
Status: Completed
- Start date: March 2019
*Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project but the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo
Read more about Dr. Conte and Dr. Sorrentino's research here
Creating a zebrafish model for Sanfilippo Type A
Project title: Creating a MPSIII zebrafish model and brain specific in vivo lysosome reporter for drug screening and in vivo imaging of disease pathology
Chief investigator: Dr. Jan Kaslin
Amount: $45,000 (over 1 year), with Cure Sanfilippo Foundation contributing a further $45,000
Duration: 1 year
Location: Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Status: Completed
- Start date: February 2018
Designing "chaperone" drugs for Sanfilippo Type A
Project title: Pharmacological chaperones for MPSIIIA
Chief investigator: Assoc. Prof. Vito Ferro
Amount: $90,000
Duration: 1 year
Location: University of Queensland, Queensland Australia
Status: Complete (new project funded to continue this promising research)
- Start date: February 2018
PhD Scholarship - SAHMRI
Project title: How are the neurons damaged in Sanfilippo and how can it be prevented?
Chief investigator: Andrew Shoubridge, University of Adelaide PhD project will be carried out under the guidance of Dr. Kim Hemsley in the Childhood Dementia Research Group, as part of the Hopwood Centre for Neurobiology at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)
Amount: $15,000 over 3 years
Status: Complete (read about the outcomes here)
Optimising gene therapy for Sanfilippo Syndrome Type B
Project title: Gene therapy with intracranial delivery of capsid-enhanced AAV NAGLU (MPS III B)
Chief investigator: Dr. Coy Heldermon
Amount: $90,000 (over 1 year)
- Location: University of Florida, USA
Status: Completed (technology licenced to Lacerta Therapeutics)
- Start Date: March 2017
Improving delivery of gene therapy to brain for Sanfilippo Type C
Project title: Improving brain delivery of adeno-associated gene therapy vectors for the treatment of MPS IIIC and other neurodegenerative diseases
Chief Investigator: Dr. Brian Bigger
Amount: $90,000 (over 1 year)
- Location: University of Manchester, UK
Status: Completed (technology licenced to Phoenix Nest)
- Start Date: March 2017
High throughput screening for new drugs to treat Sanfilippo
Project title: New therapy for six Mucopolysaccharidoses
Chief investigator: Associate Professor Dr Andreas Schulze
Amount: $448,000 (over 2 years)
- Location: Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
Status: Complete (extension granted to test drug candidates)
- Start Date: March 2017
Read more about Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andreas Schulze's research here
Investigating the role of brain lipids (fats) in Sanfilippo
- Project title: Brain lipid homeostasis: A critical event in Sanfilippo A neuropathology
Chief investigator: Associate Professor Maria Fuller
Amount: $90,900 (1 year)
Duration: 1 year
- Location: SA Pathology, Adelaide
Status: Complete (read the publication here)
- Start Date: Jan 2017
Read more about Assoc. Prof. Maria Fuller's research here
Evaluating potential drug therapies for Sanfilippo
- Project title: Small molecule drug therapy for MPS IIIA
Chief investigator: Dr Adeline Lau, Prof Kim Hemsley and Prof Vito Ferro
Amount: $241,500 with Fondation Sanfilippo Swisse contributing a further $241,500.
Duration: 2.5 years (extension granted)
- Location: Flinders University and University of QLD
Status: Complete
- Start Date: May 2020
* Sanfilippo Type A will be studied in this project, but some of the findings could be applied to all types of Sanfilippo.
Read more about Dr. Lau's research here