Investigating the effects of Sanfilippo on the lungs

02 Mar 2020

The Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation has awarded funds to Prof. Sandra Orgeig and Dr. Emma Parkinson-Lawrence from the University of South Australia. 

The one-year project will use both human samples and mouse models to study how Sanfilippo Syndrome affects the lungs. 

By looking at key components in the lungs, the project will shine a light on why children with Sanfilippo experience reduced lung function, including lung infections.

Samples of fluid from the lungs of children with Sanfilippo and mouse models will be used to investigate how the disorder affects the lungs. Lung infections are the leading cause of death in children with Sanfilippo, and little is known about why these complications develop.

By analysing components such as heparan sulfate and immune cells in the lung fluid, this project will provide information on how lung infections develop, which can help to inform therapeutic options and clinical practice.

Read more on the project here