We are proud to award a top-up scholarship to Leanne Winner at Flinders University in Adelaide. Leanne (pictured far right) has been awarded $15,000 to investigate the biomarkers of Sanfilippo Syndrome in accessible biological fluids (blood/saliva).
Biomarkers provide essential information about disease progression. The biomarkers within blood/saliva, for example, are safer to repeatedly access than cerebral spinal fluid in children.
Results from Leanne's project could be translated into the clinic with biomarkers used as ongoing tools in predicting the prognosis for patients and measuring if potential Sanfilippo treatments are working in clinical trials.
Leanne will be working under the guidance of Assoc.Prof. Kim Hemsley and Dr. Mary-Louise Rogers (Flinders University) and Dr. Martin Snel at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI).