Matilda Page

Matilda Page

Matilda has Sanfilippo Syndrome. Without treatment, Matilda will not live to adulthood. You can help children like Matilda by contributing to our campaign to raise funds for research into this childhood dementia.

Matilda's parents learnt her fate when she was just three months old. They are doing everything in their power to stop Sanfilippo before it robs Matilda of every precious milestone.

Sanfilippo has already devastated my husband’s family once. Lachlan’s oldest brother had Sanfilippo Syndrome. While planning our pregnancy, we asked doctors about Sanfilippo as we knew Lachlan was more than likely to be a carrier due to his older brother Quinnton. We were told “not to worry” as the chances of me also being a carrier were so small. After Matilda (Tilly) was born we requested a screening for peace of mind.

We wanted a definite 'no' so we wouldn’t worry about her as she grew up. We were definitely not expecting anything other than “she doesn’t have it”.  We sent in the initial urine test when Matilda was just eight weeks old, and after three weeks of not hearing anything we got the first phone call. They told us “there is a slightly abnormal result, can you please come into the hospital tomorrow for more tests”. A week later, on the day that Matilda turned three months old, we got the devastating confirmation that she had Sanfilippo Type A.

Since diagnosis, everything has changed, yet nothing has changed. Matilda is still a happy, healthy baby who is reaching all her milestones. We have more medical appointments than most families but if you took that away, our day-to-day life appears fairly normal. 

Our experience of Sanfilippo so far is relatively easy compared to families who get the diagnosis after their child is symptomatic. But the reality our precious girl has a terminal diagnosis is always present. We feel immense pressure of making sure we are using our time as effectively as possible. One of our biggest fears is being told “you should have done this six months ago” or that we miss an opportunity to help her.

While most other families might be thinking about what school to send their child to, we are researching clinical trials, thinking about the NDIS and how we can adapt our life and home now to meet the needs of Matilda as she grows and the disease progresses.  

We appreciate every moment, and take the greatest joy in all the small stuff  the giggles, the falls, the noises but we are always on high alert. If she struggles to meet a milestone bang on time we ask ourselves is she ‘just getting there in her own time’ or is it Sanfilippo raising its head?!

We still find it hard to fathom that our beautiful little girl, who is currently showing no symptoms, has a terminal diagnosis. Lachlan and I are affected in different ways. I know about Sanfilippo because of Quinnton (in fact we donated money to the Foundation in his name in lieu of bonbonniere at our wedding) but Sanfilippo is not new to Lachlan and his family. They have already been devastated by it once. Lachlan knows exactly what this diagnosis means for Matilda. 

Just telling people is hard. How do you tell people that your perfectly ‘normal’ daughter has a disease which is always fatal? And that she only has a few years before it starts robbing her of her abilities? We are taking as much of a proactive approach as possible. While we know that current therapies and early intervention will not provide us with a cure, we’re hopeful that what we do now will help Matilda to have the best quality of life possible for as long as possible. 

What we truly hope for is that Matilda has not been born ‘just too soon’. We are confident that there is an effective treatment or even cure out there. The science is so close... We just hope that she will have access to a trial or treatment before the disease progresses too far.

Thirty three years ago when Lachlan’s brother was diagnosed there was no hope and there was also very little information. Margaret (Matilda’s Nanna) tells me stories of going to university libraries in order to just find any piece of information she could on what the disease even was. Now thanks to organisations such as the Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation, there is information for families as well as groundbreaking research being funded.

We have already heard the phrase "one in a million" "it’s so rare" "no need to worry" a lot in our journey. If we hadn’t pushed, Matilda would have been symptomatic before we discovered she had inherited Sanfilippo. Ignorance may be bliss and we sometimes wonder if we have robbed ourselves of some carefree years, but had we not been prepared to ask the hard questions we would have lost this rare and precious time in which we can hunt down a miracle for Matilda.

(Since this piece was written, Matilda's family has grown to include baby brother Owen who is unaffected by Sanfilippo.)  

Please review our website's Understanding Genetic Risk page  

or download, print and share this PDF  

You can help

Make an online donation

Donating online is a fast, easy and safe way to donate for donors who would like to pay via credit, PayPal or Apple Pay.

Host a fundraiser

There are lots of ways you can fundraise. We have plenty of ideas for you in our A-Z of fundraising ideas & you can set up your own fundraising page here

Follow Matilda's FB page here

A big thank you to our Supporters

The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

Legal Eagle


Bottle O's

Thanks to all the people that collect and return their bottles and then donate the funds to help the Sanfilippo Foundation.


Beverley Yesberg

Hoping and praying that every donation makes a difference to the future of these precious children and their families.


More Grandma Betty




Barrie Yesberg


Beverley Yesberg

Thinking of all the amazing parents who fight on behalf of their children so that they can have a future.


John Bowman


Grandma Betty

Merry Christmas Tilly. I hope and pray for you every day. God bless.



What containers deposits can do!


Barrie Yesberg

Trust nthisnhelps in your life with Matilda. Barrie


Beverley Yesberg

Our prayer is that progress will continue and Matilda will truly have 'hope' for her future.


H English

Hoping for a cure for your precious daughter soon x


Beverley Yesberg

Looking forward to the day that we hear of a ‘cure’ for these precious children and their families.


Barrie Yesberg

Trust you are all well.


Ben Hammond


Shannon Page



God bless your precious little girl.


Claire Martinez

Sending lots of love.


Jane Keating

Best wishes Matilda, keep smiling :)




Plant Sales


Amy Donnachy


Jill Bowman


Jackie Honey

Love and Blessings to all.


Symphony For Hope Collection Boxes


Beverley Yesberg

Thinking of you and praying for you in your hope to see Matilda grow into a beautiful woman. Lots of love Beverley xxxx


Barrie Yesberg

Trust this is helpful in the ongoing treatment and future for Matilda.


Sue & Dave Saudnders


Chris Honey


The Van Der Laans


Travis Fryers


Sousa Family


Suburban Design And Construct




The Kenny's


Glenn, Honi & Harvey


Penny Thomas


John White


Justin Rath


Matilda Moneybox


Kerry Fryers


Jess N




Evelyn Maack


The Van Der Laan's


Yvonne And Omar


Twins Tree Trimming


Emma Charlton - Garage Sale




Damian, Kat And Max


Peter's 65th Party


Betty's Plant Sale


Keith, Jess, Xavier & Hamish


Melbourne Cup Lunch


Family Cake And Plant Stalls


Grandma Betty's Plant Sale


Helen Hine


Grandma Betty's Plant Sale


Bunnings Fundraiser Bbq


Celebrations By Candice


Fairy Garden Party


Grandma And Grandad




Symphony Hope


Bev??s 60th Party


Ingrid Maack










David Honey




Tristan And Georgina


Scott And Hanna


Emily Whitehouse


Sadie Rae Haywood






Hannah Stewart


Rebecca Middleton


Fred & Penny


Amy Donnachy


Alison & Phil - Ex 48 Joiner St


Taree And Ryan


Henrietta March


Aunty Leanne And Uncle Mick


Debbie & Wayne


Justine Cotton


Max And Laura


Tess & Sean Reeves


Ash Skinner


Majella And Eli


Deb, Pete, Reilly And Tara


Darcy Angel


Ang & Sam




Jarrod And Trish


Lily Fryers


Adele Iwanowski
