Meckenzie is a social butterfly and full of personality and giggles. Her favourite thing to do is meet and greet new people. Meckenzie's big brother Kyle treasures every day he has left with his little sister.

On 23rd May 2013 we received the most shocking news we had ever been presented with, it was never expected. Meckenzie had Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A. We were still trying to absorb the diagnosis of a mild intellectual disability; it was now the prognosis of a degenerative road to certain death before adulthood.
Our devastation is and always will be beyond measure. We will never give up hope that a treatment will become available and we have faith that the researchers and scientists will never stop trying until they find the cure.
All things aside, Meckenzie, our beautiful social butterfly, will always remain perfect to us.
You can help
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Host a fundraiser
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A big thank you to our Supporters
The real heroes who are kindly helping us achieve our goal

Barri Hicks

Jane Keating
Best wishes Meckenzie and keep giggling!


Brian Metcalfe
Hi. I am a 74 y/o Australian Vietnam war veteran. I presently give $38 / month to Sanfillipo Au. ATM I am travelling Oz in my 22ft 3 y/o caravan which is my home. I hope in the next couple of months to buy a very low cost home ( < $150,000) in the Flinders Ranges where home are as cheap as chips and are usually of sandstone. (I was born in Sydney). I tell you these things so that you will understand why my donation is so paltry and why I would (sadly) not want follow-ups' in the future. I love your little baby as much as I do my own girls aged 42 & 45. Despite being of catholic upbringing with a faith as strong as the Popes, I have never been a praying type. BUT, as God is my judge and if I can remember I will say a short prayer for your little one every night. "Remember"...??.. I have severe war neurosis and things aren't always as I would want them. This is only one of the reasons why I need to remain aloof. If the hoped for fiscal goal is one which you will pass on to the Foundation then my donation must be a 'one off'. But if you actually use the donations because of relative financial difficulty then please let me know as I could well then reappraise my position. Most genuinely, Brian Metcalfe.



Nicky Marson

Peter Chalouhy Mps 3b

Ingrid Maack



Daphne, Sang, Sammi, Ella & Aria

Desiree Hooper

Christmas E-card 8/12/16


Grandpa Ian

Torsten Brosow


Neil Mckinnon

Paul Heath


Bradshaw Family
May God bless Meckenzie and all the heroic little darlings that were given such a short time on this Earth. They must be super strong little warriors/messengers to meet their spiritual purpose in such a short amount of time. Keep fighting are truly special!!!🥰🥰🥰